If you are in business, most likely you have a website. If you don't currently have a website, you know that you need one, and you should reach out after you read this article, so we can take care of that for you. For now, let's just assume that you have a website (since we already established that you need one), now you need a plan to get people to visit your website. There are many ways to get to the end result of consistently having boat loads of visitors to your site. However, one of the most efficient techniques is making your website more visible to search engines. Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) is what we are referring to, and this article contains some advice that you may use to increase your visibility on the web. You may be wondering why being found on search engines is important. Well, the websites that dominate the search engines organically or naturally, usually get the most traffic. You may also be wondering, why is website traffic important? Well, the website that gets the most traffic has a better shot at turning that traffic into paying customers that can't wait to hand you their money.
First things first, content is king! You want to make sure that you have unique content on your site. This means no cut & paste cookie cutter information. You want to make sure your information is not found anywhere else on the web. Search engines "crawl" all the content on your site to determine how relevant it is. They also check to make sure the content is original. If you use streaming media on your site like audio clips or videos (which I highly encourage for reasons I'll explain in another post), make sure you include transcripts of the content, so the search engines know how to rank your content. Implementing this strategy can help improve your rankings on the search engines. The more unique, authoritative content that your site provides, the better. If you want to outsource your SEO to a third party, make sure that you feel confident that they can get you the results that they promise. Depending on what you need to accomplish, it may take an upfront investment to implement high level S.E.O. strategies, so finding the best price is not necessarily the best factor to base your decision on. Also, you want a solution that can grow with your business and your budget, but you don't want to hire someone that is too cheap. Often times, this is a clear indication that they are amateurs and most likely will not provide quality work. This will prove to be a waste of time and money. The last thing you want to do is waste time because S.E.O. does not happen overnight. You should expect to go into a long term relationship with your new SEO consultant. They should be able to produce visible results within 60-90 days depending on where you are starting from. There are many questionable companies that say they provide internet marketing and SEO, but they do sloppy work. Red flags are apparent if they are not willing to educate their clients on the process or use language that is over their clients head to mask the techniques they are using. Serious marketing Companies that know what they are doing should be confident in their results enough to guarantee their work. Also, they should be able to describe the process in an easy-to-understand way, so you know what you are paying for. While S.E.O. work isn't cheap, it is necessary and if you select the correct company, your bottom line will thank you.
Increasing your search rankings can really be like watching paint dry. It is definitely a game of patience. There really isn't anything sexy about it. You will not see immediate results, you will most likely see gradual increases in the traffic to your website. Especially if you have a brand spanking new website, the optimization process may take months for results to show. Online business and offline business are very similar. Either way, it is going to take some time to build up your visibility on the web, so your ideal customers can see how awesome your business is.
Another key to great rankings is the number of quality links pointing towards your site. Make sure that the links coming to your website, as well as internal links within your site, use keyword phrases as anchor text. Using keywords is essential to rank higher in search engine results, but if you saturate your page with keywords, it may hurt your rankings. However, you definitely want search engine spiders to recognize your relevant keywords, just be careful not to overdo it. Check your site twice to make sure that the internal links have properly related keywords in their anchor text. Keep in mind, search engines use algorithms, and they change quite often, and everything that works now probably will not work forever. As a result, you should always try to stay up to date with the latest changes in the search engine optimization industry or hire an S.E.O. expert in order to ensure that your website keeps dominating the search rankings like a boss. ![]()
Janeiro Blackmon is a Columbus SEO consultant that has helped clients increase their online presence in cities across the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Need help with your local SEO strategy? Call or text 614-736-9861 to Get A Free Website Audit!
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